Voyages Caleche Inc. is a travel agency custom CMS website that I created for a client of mine. It was developed using JSP and Servlets and runs on a Tomcat server. The website has information regarding the agency and a contact form to contact a representative. It also allows for the client to login to an admin console and dynamically add or modify different trips being offered by the agency. View Website
AllClassicAds is a custom CMS website that I created from scratch as a project for my father and I. It was developed using JSP and Servlets and runs on a Tomcat server. It features tons of information about brands both old and new and displays a vast amount of vintage advertisements. We scan each advertisement and place them under their prospective brands on the website dynamically through a form. There is an option for visitors to purchase these advertisements through a PayPal transaction as well. View Website
Dr. Goffredo Arena, a McGill professor and MUHC Surgeon, commissioned me to create for him this website. He requested this website in order to provide easily accessible information on the procedures he performs to prospective patients. It will feature numerous videos of surgeries he has done as well as surgical diagrams of the areas in the body that he performs surgery on. It is being developed and modified using WordPress. (Currently a work in progress) View Website
TweetTrackr was a university project that required our team of five to develop a mash-up of web services. It is a webpage that allows any twitter user to input a hashtag of their choice into a search field. We take that hashtag and query Twitter’s servers through their API to see which Twitter users had that particular hashtag in their tweets. From this list of Twitter users we take their given text location (ex. San Diego, California) and input it into a Geolocation API service in order to get the actual coordinate of the location. Finally, we use Google Maps API to plot the coordinates and make it look nice. They are now able to see: the Twitter user that used that particular hashtag, the message that contained the hashtag, and the Twitter user’s approximate location in the world. View Website